Mandy Collins & Associates

I'll help you find the right words

Blog Archives

Don’t take that tone with me

Imagine if you stood in the kitchen with a shopping bag over your shoulder and said to your significant other, “Attached hereto for your kind information, please find the grocery shopping you requested me to action.” Ridiculous, right? And yet, that’s exactly what we do the minute we step over the threshold at work –
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Change the channel

As I’ve written before, communication consists of at least two parties – a sender and a receiver, and many of us don’t consider the receiver when we craft our messages. However, there’s another crucial aspect to think – the way the receiver likes to communicate. Using their preferred form of communication will often yield better
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Walk A Mile In Their Shoes

The simplest model of communication has a few very basic elements – a sender, a receiver, a message and a medium. And the goal is just as simple – that the message that lands, is identical to the message sent. Like many things, it’s simple, but not easy. And where much written communication fails, is
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