Mandy Collins & Associates

I'll help you find the right words

Why your company needs to embrace multilingualism

South Africa is a diverse and multicultural country, with 11 official languages and many more spoken by its citizens.

Despite this linguistic diversity, however, many workplaces are still monolingual, and have failed to appreciate the benefits of multilingualism.

Now, I’m a practical woman. I realise that English is the language most companies use to communicate, both locally and globally. However, embracing multilingualism in your company can bring numerous benefits – not least to your employees’ sense of belonging.

One of the main benefits of multilingualism is improved communication and understanding between different ethnic and linguistic groups. Multilingualism can also help to break down barriers and promote cultural cohesion. Each language also brings with it an entire culture, so being able to speak multiple languages can also help employees to navigate different cultural norms and customs, fostering mutual respect and understanding.

This exposure to different cultures and ways of thinking is also an enriching personal experience that can help to broaden employees’ perspectives and ways of thinking – fostering creativity and innovation. And it can help to build relationships with your clients – many of whom will also not speak English as their first language.

So when you’re next considering your company’s diversity, equity and inclusion strategy, don’t forget to include language, and think about ways to create greater belonging for those employees whose mother tongue is not English – there are enormous benefits to be reaped.


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